Thursday, April 26, 2007

Thankful Thursday ~ April 26,2007

Dear Friends,

What a wonderful weekend I had with my family recently and decided to dedicate my grateful heart and thankfulness this week to them.

I am so grateful to my husband for :

His steadiness and quiet reasonable approach to life in general . He is my rock and has a calm nature.

His sense of humor that we can laugh at life, with each other and be happy in the mist of our sorrows at times.

His generous nature and being willing to do anything for and with our children.

His being willing to work so hard , commute and still find the time to enjoy our family.

His ability to calm me down when I worry and pray for me when I am sick. Especially with my migraines.:)

My four wonderful blessings from the Lord.

I love all their different personalities and natures.

I love that they are all willing to try their best in whatever they do.

I am thankful for the fact they are willing to give the glory to the Lord our God.

I am thankful for their sense of humor and willingness to laugh and be there for each other.

I am thankful they think we are great parents and tell us that.

I am so thankful to all of your participating. You have helped me to be inspired , learn and praise God with you in your blessings.

I am so thankful for my friend Denise sending me sweet cards to uplift me this week.

I am thankful to Iris for hosting this Thankful event weekly.

In his endless love,

Angel Mama ():)

18 Gracious friends said:

Denise said...

Such a beautiful list my friend, love you.

Akelamalu said...

Such a lot to be thankful for.

One of the Reiki Precepts is

I will be thankful for my many blessings

I am. :)

Homekeeper Mom said...

What a beautiful list. I am so sorry you had migraines this week. I am so thankful to have you as my friend!

~Candi (Homekeeper at Heart)

eph2810 said...

I love it how you up-lift your husband and children...Isn't it wonderful that God placed people in our life to keep us going?

Thank you so much for sharing your thankfulness with us this week.

Blessings to you and yours.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you have a wonderful family! Thanks for sharing this list!

Betty's Loosing Race said...

Sounds like your family blesses you very much. How blessed you are to have a husband to laugh at life with - I can relate and it's great! Thanks for sharing your list.

Crystal said...

What a great list of is so important!
Thanks for visiting my site again this week.

Sharon said...

What a wonderful list! Sounds like you have a great family. :-)

May you have a blessed weekend!

Deedra said...

You have such a beautiful list of thankfuls, thank you for sharing!

Deena Peterson said...

Wonderful thankful post!

Monkey Giggles said...

Your post touched me. There is so much we take for granted.

Delete said...

I love your appreciation and admiration you showed for your husband. It is always so inspiring to read about husbands and wives that appreciate one another.

Jen and family said...

bless your hubby, children and Denise shes wonderful isnt she so caring
jen at

Grandparents Corner said...

Angel,you have a beautiful list of thankfuls and a wonderful family. I am lifted whenever I visit here. *Hugs and prayers from your friend in Christ*

Ramblins of a middle-aged goddess said...

Thanks so much for stopping by today and also I love it that you think I have a nice blog!! That is so nice of you!! Thanks!! We are so blessed with so many wonderful things in this life. I am just so thankful for health right now!! Man, without it what do you really have? Sandy

Nise' said...

Enjoyed the music while reading your thankful post this evening. Thanks for sharing your heart and for your kind comments today.

Amy said...

Your hubby sounds like quite a gem! What a lovely thankful tribute.

Believer said...

Thanks for reminding me of how truly thankful I am for my husband and daughter.

May the healing touch of Jesus surround you and diminish that migraine.

Have a blessed weekend!

“Pearls of wisdom...a heavenly voice.”