Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Pearl's Glamourous Times

Dear Gracious Friends,

Any of you that know me ....know I love vintage, furs, pearls, jewelry and glamour. Don't worry I never spent much on them but they are so glamorous. I have even had fellow artists at estate sales come up to me and give me furs saying "this is too pretty to make into a Teddy Bear so here is a gift from me". True great stylish friends...~smile~
Thanks Miss Kelly for the heads up and link to this fabulous video clip. I will be adding some pictures of my home and vintage furs etc....even if its Spring ... for you all someday.
I thought this clip was too cool.
Miss Pearl who designed the house I live in, wore these type of fashions. We have the documents of the house her husband the Dr. gave her for $1.00 and consideration of love. Isn't that so romantic??! It hangs on our wall ~ I have even used it to make a collage. That is one of the many reasons why this blog is titled"Pearls of Wisdom" , and our home is named the " House for $1.00 and Consideration of Love". My sweet husband did the same for me. Yes we are true romantics and old fashioned...LOL

Hope you enjoy.

1 Gracious friends said:

Mrs. V. said...

Yes, please post some pictures! I was actually walking down the road to T's house today when it dawned on me that I don't know what yours (or you) look like! C'mon and share!

Love ya lady!