Sunday, March 25, 2007

Simply Encouraging

Dear Friends,

I have had to ponder over some things I have weeded out of my life lately. To address some who have asked yes I have left a particular place( PH) that I have met some of you Dear Friends. I do feel God has graced me with your love, friendships and the sisterhood I have been looking for and will continue those with you all. I am so grateful for the time invested there in meeting some of you. I have been humbled and honored with the wonderful emails from you and friendships that I have made. Thank you from the bottom of my heart and I will be calling, writing, emailing and visiting your blogs.I really appreciate all your visits , chats and time you give me.

I truly believe that if you look to God for the answer in prayer he will give it to you. Life and love to me is about being a daughter of the King, a good wife, mother, sister in Christ, friend and being true to myself and principles. Some things had not only got me down..but hurt to watch happen to people, or to myself. I know that God led me to you all and for that I hope that we can continue to encourage each other.

Encouragement to me is sending a positive encouraging email, a phone call, or just simply leaving a voice mail. A special handwritten note in my DH's lunch box, to one of my children , family, or a friend to let them know I care.

"Pleasant words are as an honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24

Giving someone encouragement with kind life words is important to me.

There is so much you can do to encourage another, smile at a stranger, give a compliment, or a hug. Encourage another to see the good in themselves, or the Lord at work in their life. You can always offer a pray or to pray with them. The gift of your time in offering encouragement or love is priceless. To offer to babysit, pay for something for someone less fortunate , or invite a lonely person to dinner or for tea are times that will end up blessing you more then them.

May this day bring you sunshine, happiness ,love and the blessing of our Lord.
Thank you to those who have encouraged me . My love to you. I hope if you have stopped in for a visit my blog has blessed you somehow and would love to get to know you better.

In his endless love,

Angel Mama ():) (D.)

8 Gracious friends said:

Anonymous said...

Coincidence that you should address this today? I think not.....I have come to the same place myself just 2 days ago and I feel much happier now so I know I did the right thing. I am grateful for having met you.
I love the music on your blog!


Traci said...

Oh, sweetie.... you have such a wonderful talent for encouragement! I love our talks and look forward to each one!

God is in control and will lead you to were He wants you to spend your time and it will be more to His glory!

And God will add so much fullness to your life you will not worry about the stuff that does not matter!

Hugs and Blessings!

Anonymous said...

Bless you!

This hurting world needs more kind people.


Anonymous said...

You are a true blessing! Our friendship has spanned many years and I miss you .


Pearls of Wisdom said...

Dear Friends,
You all mean so much to me.

Vivian I am so glad to have met you too! Thanks for stopping by. I can't wait to post some cute pics this week.

Traci your friendship means so much to me. Thanks for stopping in. I am so excited for you all and the wonderful things going on in your life now. You are so right my dearest friend I will keep my eye on the Lord and thank him for my blessings.

Kathy you are so sweet and such a blessing. I have kept you in my prayers could you send me your email again to mine as I lost ( sorry). Thanks for always visiting.

Deb, you are a doll! I miss and love you too. We have to plan a beach outing again.

Hugs to all,
(D.) Angel Mama ():)

Earthmuffin said...

You have been such and encouraging force in my life. I know that place served one good purpose, I met you and you have filled a void that I have had since moving away from friends and family.

Bless you sister

Anonymous said...

You know, that is right. It did serve the very good purpose of each of us coming away with new friendships that mean so much.

I say let's all just close that chapter of our lives, leaving with more wisdom about human nature than when we started, and go forward together as sisters.


groovyoldlady said...

Even when the glass is EMPTY, we can always imagine the wonderful things that it might be filled with soon.

"My cup runneth over".