Thursday, June 28, 2007

Rockin Girl Blogger Award

Dear Friends,

Denise of Shorty's Bear Place is one of the sweetest , kindest encouraging bloggers. She is such a great Dear friend to me.I appreciate her friendship, her being my sister, reading my blog..LOL, all her kind comments and her inspiring posts. Please visit her if you haven't you will love her marriage posts and posts from the Heart! I am so humbled and honored Denise gave me the Rockin Girl Blogger Award. I have had my picture taken, the family planning a dinner ...LOL Just kidding. Seriously you have no idea what this meant to me. I cried because she is so sweet and Blogging Land has been so fun ,kind, inspiring and well if your comments all are so sweet , fun and kind and this award is like the cake.

To pay it forward I bestow this Rockin Girl Blogging award to the following:
Click on the stars or their names to go visit.

There are so many great fun, blogs and Denise already has it of course. In the course of my visits so does Akelamalu who is so funny and sweet. Nise does too but I love her.

I wanted to give it to all but this time for this award. I give to Groovy Old Lady, of Groovy's Ruminations. She is so funny , a great inspiration as a writer, home school Mom and wife. It is almost like you can hear her laugh through her posts and comments.

Alycia of Where my treasures are is a new blogger like me and she is so kind, sweet inspirational, loving and my family loves her families pictures.

Debbie of My Spot of a blog is a great blogger that will make you think. She loves her family and it shows. We share our love of tea, tea cups, Victorian and life. She has always encouraged me and made me smile.

Susan of Penless writer. Draws her readers into her Heart and family. She is funny and I love her sweet posts and pictures of her family.

of Tracy Hurst is inspirational and loving in her posts. She has a great style and posts that make you think on your journey with the Lord.

And one of the most special awards goes to all the great friends who stop by here everyday I have something wonderful planned for you all next month. Details to follow.

In his endless love,

Angel Mama Rockin Blog Girl

14 Gracious friends said:

Denise said...

I love you with all of my heart dear one, you deserve this award, and so much more.

Susan said...

I just posted on this award - come check it out. Thank you very much I am truly humbled.

Debbie said...

You are sooo sweet!! Thank-you for such kind words. *blushing*
Again, I thank you.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Angel Mama:) I am honored and humbled. I absolutely love you and I am grateful to God that our paths have crossed in "blogger world."

May your day be filled with love, laughter and joy!


Melanie said...

Congrats to you! You certainly deserve this award!!

Pearls of Wisdom said...

Dear Denise,

Thank you again words can't express what your kindness and friendship. to me means.


Angel (D.)

Pearls of Wisdom said...

Dear Susan,

Yes you are a great Rockin blogger. I read your entry on your blog and you are so sweet and inspirational . .


Angel ():) (D.)

Pearls of Wisdom said...

Dear Debbie,

Your new blog design is so cute, I like both themes you have had. I love your insightful posts. Hope your revival went well.


Angel (D.)

Pearls of Wisdom said...

Dear Tracy,
I am so glad for you also and that our blogging paths have crossed you inspire me .


Angel ():) (D.)

Pearls of Wisdom said...

Dear Melanie,

Thank you my sweet friend. You are so sweet and special . I love your blog and posts , comments and friendship. Your blog rocks also.


Angel (D.)

Christine said...

Yay! What a great and deserved award for you! I love your blog and your encouraging nature, Angel!

Nise' said...

Thank you for the kinds words! I love the atmosphere of your blog! I will check out the blogs I am not familiar with that you bestowed this award upon!

groovyoldlady said...

AAAAaawwwwwwww. You're so darned sweet!

My hormones are at an all time high (or low or whatever) and so I bawled...again, because Dawn ALSO picked me for this award and now I get to pick people and there are so many and I just got back from camping and I'm hormonal (did I mention that?) and my face is all swollen up and my eyes itch from some stupid allergic reaction to who-knows-what....Man it's hard to type when I'm crying...

Thanks, Angel-mama, You ROCK TOO!!

Anybody have a tissue?

(And some benedryl? and maybe some black cohosh?)

Pearls of Wisdom said...

Love you Groovy Lady I left you another comment as I was off today.

Hugs and Love,

Angel ():)